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breeding feeder crickets

hi! my name is ricahrd reavis. i am co-ownerof black jungle terrarium supply and i am here today on behalf of discussingthe feeding and supplementation of poison dart frogs. we have discussed the differentsupplements available as well as feeder insects and now it is time to actually figure outhow to use them. the most important part of a supplement is its ability to adhere to thesize of the feeder insect that you are feeding.

breeding feeder crickets

breeding feeder crickets, a good supplement will also be very fine intexture. when dusting the feeder insect, you only need to use a very small amount in thedusting container. the reason for this is that once the supplement is outside of itsoriginal container it immediately starts degrading. so once you have used the dust in the cup,you don’t want to keep it from day to day

as it can start loosing its potency very the first step is to put the supplement into the dusting container and in this casehere we are going to be feeding fruit flies. again to make the introduction and controlof the fruit flies easier, we are using a funnel to help control them. we begin by tappingthe fruit flies down and then sprinkling them into the dusting container. when the appropriatenumber of flies has been dumped in, we tap them down and then swirl them around intothe dust to coat them. you are looking to get a light and even dusting on the are not trying to get them packed to where they look like little snowman. that can resultin actually over supplementation and can even cause some of the frogs not to want to acceptthe food item. the frequency with which you

dust is also important. typically with youngfroglets that are growing quickly, we dust daily alternating between vitamin and mineralsupplements. we don’t recommend mixing them as the addition of calcium to a vitamin supplementcan actually cause its premature degradation. on adult animals, we typically supplement3 times a week and again alternate between the vitamin and calcium supplementation withone week doing twice as much vitamins as calcium and vice versa.

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